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Sri Lanka

ADP member since


National agencies involved

Department of Census and Statistics (DCS)


Results obtained with ADP support include:

Survey microdata made accessible

  1. National Survey catalog available on DCS website - the largest among all ADP participating agencies in terms of number of surveys listed (see URL above).
  2. All available nationally representative surveys and censuses documented, archived and disseminated.
  3. Capacity built and sustained within DCS to document, archive and disseminate microdata - as standard processes of every survey undertaken. About 15 staff trained on microdata management standards, tools and practice; top management sensitized.


Results: Online Survey Catalog

URLAgencyMicroData accessibleMicroData accessibility
http://nada.statistics.go...Department of Census and Statistics (DCS)YESLicense access


The above results have been achieved with the implementation of specific ADP activities. These activities were identified and prioritized for implementation at the early stages of ADP involvement. These activities have been / are implemented in accordance with the country agenda. They involve a balance between work in-country and remote support, and they require the provision of tools, guidelines, technical and financial assistance.

Making survey microdata more accessible

  1. Carrying out local inventory of existing survey resources (microdatasets, reports, questionnaires, field enumerator manuals, methodological and technical reports, etc.).
  2. Building capacity on microdata documentation, archiving and dissemination at DCS (2 national training workshops organized).
  3. Facilitating the documentation of all inventoried surveys – through the provision of adequate training, software and guidelines. National consultants were also financed to support the documentation of past surveys.
  4. Facilitating the long term preservation of micro-datasets – through the provision of adequate hardware and guidelines.
  5. Establishing a national survey catalog, with a view to make existing survey metadata and microdata visible, searchable and more accessible to users.
  6. Regularly upgrading and updating the on-line survey catalog.

On-going and future activities include:

  1. Promoting harmonization of survey methodologies and administrative data systems.
  2. Building capacity in microdata anonymization at DCS.
  3. Building capacity in microdata documentation, archiving and dissemination in line ministries and lead NGOs involved in the country.
  4. Engaging further with data users and monitoring the use of survey microdata.

Document(s) Author
PDF icon Sri Lanka_Report_RR_edits.pdf francois