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How to receive support ?

Any data producers who has valid surveys and is eager to improve access to and quality of its data is welcome to contact us to check availability of ADP support and discuss the modalities.

Data producers who are eager to engage with data users are also invited to contact us.

ADP procedures have been simplified to allow faster decision-making and implementation. Once a formal request from an agency is approved, the work program can be designed and finalized within eight weeks, after which implementation starts immediately. The amount of funds allocated to a country or agency depends on the specific work program agreed with the ADP team. Funding from ADP is limited but can be very quickly mobilized at country level. Receipt of ADP funds can trigger additional funding by other sponsors at a local level.

National ADP work programs are typically implemented in 12 to 24 months. If ADP support is limited to a very specific activity, however, this period can be much shorter. If ADP support is requested on statistical harmonization, the period is longer. Busy local agendas and lower absorption capacity may also require additional time for implementation.