A Toolkit Workshop was held in the Comoros in October 2012. The Comoros is part of the African Development Bank implementation portfolio. The ADP and the AfDB continue to collaborate in disseminating the standard tools and best practices in data documentation and archiving. Seven (7) persons attended the training. This was an introductory workshop. A development plan to assist the statistics office will be developed by the ADP and the African Development Bank.
ADP/FAO/CSA Regional training on the documentation and archiving of Agricultural Censuses and Surveys held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 7-11 February 2011
Date of event : 07/02/2011
The first "Regional training on the documentation and archiving of Agricultural Censuses and Surveys” was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 7-11 February 2011. The objective of the workshop was to train participants from 15 countries on the use the Microdata Management Toolkit for the documentation of Agricultural Census and Surveys, and to initiate the documentation of their latest agricultural census.