Brazil: DDI Introductory Workshop for the IBGE (October 2014)
Date of event : 13/10/2014
At the request of the Instituto Brasilero de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE) an introductory session on data documentation and dissemination was held in Rio de Janeiro on October 13 - 17, 2014. Twenty-four participants attended. The training was facilitated by Mr. Federico Segui, ADP Consultant in Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition to the introductory training workshop with IBGE, meetings were held to discuss how to harmonize IBGE’s Metadata Bank with the DDI standard, and planning the strategy to promote and use the DDI standard and tools in the National Statistical System of Brazil.
ADP partnering with Brazil IBGE to promote microdata management (November 2012)
Date of event : 05/11/2012
A short course on “Preservation and Dissemination of Survey and Census Data: Introduction to the DDI Standard and the IHSN Tools” was provided by ADP in the context of the 1st Methodology Symposium of IBGE and the 11th IASI Meeting on Public Statistics. These events took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 5-9, 2012. The main themes discussed were data preservation, dissemination and confidentiality. The purpose of the short course was to provide technical support to the national staff and introduce the DDI standard and the IHSN Tools. IBGE is currently exploring the conversion of their own metadata files (xml based) to make them DDI-compliant.
Regional training workshop on population and housing census documentation and archiving organized in Costa Rica (September 2012)
Date of event : 03/11/2012
A Regional training workshop on population and housing census documentation and archiving was held on San Jose, Costa Rica from September 3 to 7, 2012. This workshop was organized jointly with the NSO of Costa Rica (INEC). The workshop aimed to provide training on DDI and the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit (MMT) to participants involved directly in Housing and Population Censuses. It was also intended to introduce the DDI and MMT to agencies not yet involved in the ADP.
The Regional Workshop gathered 22 participants from 12 countries, 6 participants came from 3 anglo-speakers Caribbean Countries: Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and Saint Lucia.
Staff from Fundaçao Joao Pinheiro (Brazil) trained on the IHSN microdata Management Toolkit (World Bank, April 19-23, 2010)
Date of event : 24/04/2010
A team of two statisticians from the Fundaçao Joao Pinheiro (Brazil) visited the Development Data Group at the World Bank in Washington DC, where they were trained on the use of the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit.