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Lao PDR Department of Statistics launches its NADA (30 June 2010)

Country / Regional Activity: Lao PDR
Date of Event: 30/06/2010

The Department of Statistics (DoS) of Lao PDR announced the availability of metadata of eight surveys in the NADA in a ceremony held in Vientiane City last 30 June 2010. More survey metadata will be uploaded in the coming weeks as documentation is in progress following the recent Quality Review Workshop held in Vang Vieng, Vientiane Province which boosted the capacity of DoS staff in the use of the Toolkit.
The event was attended by around 20 staff from different ministries, as well as key staff from DoS led by Deputy Director General Yavang Vachoima. The DoS acknowledged the support of the Science, Technology and Environment Agency (STEA) which hosts the DoS website and where the NADA is installed.
It is significant to note that the Lao PDR Statistics Law was passed by the National Assembly on the same morning of the NADA launch. Among other provisions, the Law would serve as basis for the Data Access Policy for Lao PDR microdata.