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Documentation and archiving of surveys and censuses starts in Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek, 12 – 16 December 2011)

Country / Regional Activity: Kyrgyzstan
Date of Event: 12/12/2011

The Kyrgyz National Statistical Commission (NSC) started documenting and archiving five (5) surveys and two (2) censuses during the IHSN Microdata Management Training and DDI Production Workshop conducted for sixteen (16) NSC staff on 12-16 December 2011 in Bishkek. The workshop was conducted in partnership with the World Bank Poverty Team.
Post workshop meetings with smaller groups of documenters were held for 3 days the following week to provide further assistance in improving their DDIs. The participants appreciated the usefulness of the IHSN Toolkit in their work, and understood that the dissemination of microdata itself is under their full control in accordance with the NSC access policy. With this assurance the IT Department was briefed on the installation of the NADA in order to study the readiness of their system.