IHSN/ADP and SIAP partner again on microdata management (Chiba, Japan, December 2012)
Country / Regional Activity: Global
Date of Event: 12/12/2012
The Third Group Training Course in the Production and Development of Official Statistics (in support for National Development including the Achievement of MDGs) conducted by the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific in Chiba, Japan included a short module on microdata access and survey documentation. The 25 participants came from 15 countries, namely, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, Lao P.D.R., Lesotho, Micronesia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Samoa, Syria and Tanzania. The Toolkit was used by the participants in documenting their course project on a survey of ex-SIAP trainees. The final presentation of the project output will be done using the NADA. The Course duration is from 20 August to 21 December 2012.