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Belize: Statistical Office joins the ADP and receives initial training (June 2013)

Country / Regional Activity: Belize
Date of Event: 17/06/2013
The ADP facilitated a Microdata Manangment Training on June 17 - 21, 2013 at the request of the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB). Seventeen staff members of the SIB, the Social Security Board, the National Committee for Families & Children and the Ministry of Natural Resources & Agriculture participated in the training. Ten surveys were documented during the workshop and a NADA catalogue was installed to show the results in a user-friendly interface. Documentation will be continued and quality controlled by SIB. Participants from other institutions expressed their interest in keep working with the ADP and will be included in further ADP activities, under the leadership of SIB. With Belize joining, all Central American Countries have now adopted IHSN tools and the DDI metadata format.