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Ethiopia: ADP expert group meeting finalizes IHSN Microdata Management Training Materials (March 2014)

Country / Regional Activity: Global
Date of Event: 20/03/2014

An ADP expert group meeting for finalizing IHSN Microdata Management Training materials was organized in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on March 20 - 21 2014. A total of ten experts working in Asia and Africa (Francophone and Anglophone) participated in the workshop. The workshop reviewed the comments and feedback received from the participants of earlier train- the-trainers workshops and discussed new ideas for further improvement and modernization of the materials. The group shared experiences and expertise on effective teaching methods and workshop organization. The standard training packet for a documentation workshop was finalized. The materials will be available in English, French and Spanish on the ADP website.

A first version of e-learning materials (an innovative approach of teaching toolkit) was presented by ADP experts and shared among participants for further comments, feedback and development.