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Sao Tome: Toolkit Training undertaken by the African Development Bank (April 2013)

Country / Regional Activity: Sao Tome and Principe
Date of Event: 16/04/2013

A Microdata Management Toolkit workshop was undertaken in Saõ Tomé by ADP partners in the African Development Bank on April 16-20, 2013. This training is part of the effort to engage regional multi-lateral organization to implement and support the activities of the ADP. The AfDB has trained some consultants to carry out the activities of the ADP in certain countries. Among these countries is Sao Tome. The workshop introduced the Toolkit to fifteen participants across the statistical system. Representatives from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), the Central Bank and Ministries of Agriculture, Labor, Education and Transport attended the training. This workshop introduced the participants to the basic functionality and the input-output issues in undertaking a documentation exercise. A work program with the INE is envisaged. The ADP will work with the AfDB to define a support program using south-south collaboration and draw from experiences in Cape Verde. Building a community of practice among the Portuguese speaking countries will be an on-going priority as documentation activities take hold in Mozambique, Angola and Guinea Bissau.