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Nicaragua: DDI Expansion Workshop (March 2015)

Country / Regional Activity: Nicaragua
Date of Event: 09/03/2015

A Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Expansion Workshop was held in Managua, Nicaragua from March 9 to March 13, 2015. This workshop introduced the principles of microdata documentation using the DDI and the International Household Survey Network tools to agencies in the National Statistical System (NSS). The workshop was organised in co-operation with with the Central Bank of Nicaragua (BCN) and the National Statistics Office of Nicaragua (INIDE). A total of 12 participants from the CBN and the INIDE.

Miguel Angel Medina Fonseca, Head of Economic Statistics from the Economic Division of the Central Bank of Nicaragua opened and closed the workshop. Mr. Fonseca expressed his desire to support this initiative which aims to standardize the documentation of statistics produced by CBN and INIDE based on international standards such as DDI and Dublin Core. Specifically, he pointed out that each participant was selected to act as facilitators in their own divisions with the purpose of expanding the use of these tools.

In the closing event, the PARIS21 facilitator emphasized the relevance and importance of giving access to internal and external users, high quality metadata and data with the final goal to promote a better use of statistics, research and public policy while always preserving the confidentiality of informants. To follow up teh initative another mission will be organised to install the last version of the NADA Catalogue in the BCN server to publish the documentation initiated during this workshop.