Vietnam: The ADP working in the Mekong Region (May 2015)
The ADP held a regional training in data documentation and dissemination for Laos and Vietnam. The ADP worked with Mekong Economics (MKE) Ltd., an economic consulting company in the Greater Mekong sub-region. Mekong Economics provided support in training agents from the National Statistical Offices in Vietnam and Hanoi. Having a presence in the Mekong sub-region is part needed as part of a way to better serve the needs of the NSO. The work in the Mekong region will emphasize data dissemination and access as well as promote data use. Two Microdata Outreach Workshops (MOWs) are planned for the region: one in Laos and one in Vietnam. Mekong Economics also undertakes its own surveys and research and will be documenting their own studies and create a research archive of their own. It is hoped that greater collaboration between research agencies and government data providers will help lift the quality of data available and promote data use in the region.