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Country / Regional Activity: Global
Date of Event: 2012-12-12
The Third Group Training Course in the Production and Development of Official Statistics (in support for National Development including the Achievement of MDGs) conducted by the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific in Chiba, Japan included a short module on microdata access and survey documentation. The 25 participants came from 15 countries, namely, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, Lao P.D.R., Lesotho, Micronesia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Samoa, Syria and Tanzania....
Country / Regional Activity: Global
Date of Event: 2012-06-30
The “Regional training on documenting and archiving of Population and Housing Censuses” was held in Manila, Philippines, on 18-22 June 2012. Organized jointly with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UNSIAP), the workshop was geared towards promoting good documentation and archiving of population and housing censuses - to increase its use and promote its accessibility....
Country / Regional Activity: Global
Date of Event: 2011-03-22
The second "Regional Training on the Documentation and Archiving of Agricultural Censuses and Surveys” was held in Manila, Philippines, 21-25 February 2011. In line with the objective of the first workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the workshop was organized to train participants from 14 countries on the use the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit for the documentation of agricultural censuses and surveys, and to initiate the documentation of their latest agricultural census....
Country / Regional Activity: Bangladesh
Date of Event: 2009-07-10
The ADP conducted an Introductory Microdata Management Toolkit Training at the new training facilities at the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).
The BBS has over 8,000 tapes stored in reel to reel format and these are being converted to an ASCII output which will later be documented in the Toolkit. This project, initiated by IPUMS will save precious survey and census data dating back to 1981.
The ADP Team is pictured here. From left to right (Mr. Mir Hossain, Mr. Mohammed Nousherwa (ADP focal point), Mr. Mafizul Islam, Mr, Karamat Ali and )