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Country / Regional Activity: Global
Date of Event: 2013-06-03
The National Statistical Office of Costa Rica (INEC), the PARIS21 Secretariat and the World Bank organized a regional training workshop on June 3 - 5, 2013 on the use of the IHSN National Data Archive application (NADA) with the following objectives (1) to expose participants to the latest version of the application, (2) to upgrade existing NADA and implement relevant quality enhancements to their systems and (3) to discuss strategic and technical issues relating to their microdata dissemination and data users servicing....
Country / Regional Activity: Paraguay
Date of Event: 2012-05-30
A Microdata Management Toolkit workshop was held on May 7 -11, 2012 for the NSO of Paraguay (DGEEC). 10 DGEEC´s Staff members were trained in the workshop; and the documentation of 30 surveys will be published by the end of 2012.
Country / Regional Activity: Paraguay
Date of Event: 2009-09-11
The training course was organized in response to the national statistical office’s (DGEEC) request based on their interest to strengthen micro-data documentation and dissemination practices. The training course took place in a well equipped seminar room at the Villa Morra Suites Hotel in Asunción with 26 trainees coming from different governmental institutions....