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ADP activities starting in Mauritius (Port Louis, 19-23 September 2011)

Country / Regional Activity: Mauritius
Date of Event: 19/09/2011

The Mauritius Central Statistics Office organized a one-week IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit training and DDI production workshop at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development on 19-23 September 2011 with 19 participants coming from six agencies, namely: Statistics Mauritius; Ministries of Education and Human Resources, Health, and Industry; Bank of Mauritius; and Financial Services Commission.

Nine surveys were documented in the workshop comprising of five censuses or complete enumeration surveys, four sample surveys, and one administrative-based data.

The workshop outputs were then presented during the closing session on the last day via the portable NADA.
The workshop participants found the IHSN MMT comprehensive and very easy to use. They were also highly appreciative of the ease in bringing the documentation from the Toolkit to the web with the aid of NADA.