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Nepal: CBS conducts NADA upgrading and administration training workshop (December 2015)

Country / Regional Activity: Nepal
Date of Event: 09/12/2015

The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) of Nepal in collaboration with the Accelerated Data Program (ADP/PARIS21) organized a three-day NADA upgrading and administration training workshop in Dhulikhel from 9 to 11 December 2015. Mr. Somnath Sambhudas, the NADA expert and ADP consultant from PARIS21 provided a NADA administration and customization training to three CBS staff – one IT staff and two statisticians of CBS. The CBS NADA was upgraded to its latest version 4.3 and 11 new surveys which were recently documented were also uploaded on the NADA during the workshop. Now the CBS NADA holds a total of 45 surveys in its catalogue. Furthermore, the metadata of all previous 34 studies were also reviewed and replaced to its online catalogue as per the recommendation of the ADP Regional Assessment Workshop held in Colombo on 12-16 October 2015.

Picture from left to right: Mr. Khadga Rana (IT Officer, CBS), Mr. Choodamani Luitel (Statistical Officer, CBS), Mr. Somnath Sambhudas (ADP Consultant) and Mr. Kapil Dev Joshi (Statistical Officer, CBS).