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Country / Regional Activity: Haiti
Date of Event: 2009-10-29
The Institut National de l’Enfance (IHE) in Port-au-Prince, Haiti recently completed implementing the Global Fund 5 Year Evaluation household survey and under funding provided by ICF Macro, developed an archive using the IHSN NADA application (see: In addition the IHE is the implementation organization for the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and has a series of over 15 other surveys and studies it will document and add to their archive....
Date of Event: 2009-05-04
The Global Fund recently undertook a 5-Year Impact Evaluation (GF5YE) attempting to measure reduction of disease burden of Malaria, HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis. The GF5YE implemented its evaluation through a Consortium of institution including: Marco International, WHO, Hopkins University, Harvard University and the African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)....