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Country / Regional Activity: Kyrgyzstan
Date of Event: 2013-12-16
From December 16 - 20, 2013, PARIS 21 and the World Bank conducted a Survey Metadata Production Workshop for the Kyrgyzstan Statistical Agency staff on microdata archiving and dissemination. The training was done as part of the Accelerated Data Program. Fourteen staff members from different departments were trained on the use of the latest versions of Nesstar Publisher (v4.0.9) and web cataloguing application NADA (v4.1)....
Country / Regional Activity: Kyrgyzstan
Date of Event: 2011-12-12
The Kyrgyz National Statistical Commission (NSC) started documenting and archiving five (5) surveys and two (2) censuses during the IHSN Microdata Management Training and DDI Production Workshop conducted for sixteen (16) NSC staff on 12-16 December 2011 in Bishkek. The workshop was conducted in partnership with the World Bank Poverty Team.
Post workshop meetings with smaller groups of documenters were held for 3 days the following week to provide further assistance in improving their DDIs....
Country / Regional Activity: Global
Date of Event: 2011-03-22
The second "Regional Training on the Documentation and Archiving of Agricultural Censuses and Surveys” was held in Manila, Philippines, 21-25 February 2011. In line with the objective of the first workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the workshop was organized to train participants from 14 countries on the use the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit for the documentation of agricultural censuses and surveys, and to initiate the documentation of their latest agricultural census....