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The National Institute of Statistics (INE) Uruguay, with the support of the Accelerated Data Program (ADP), hosted a workshop in Montevideo on April 9 - 10 to engage a wide range of microdata users from line ministries, research institutions and central banks. During the workshop, users were introduced to the range of survey and census data disseminated by INE and became aware of how to search and request access for data on NADA. The users were exposed to the wide range of microdata and were guided through the microdata access process....
The National Statistical Office of Costa Rica (INEC), the PARIS21 Secretariat and the World Bank organized a regional training workshop on June 3 - 5, 2013 on the use of the IHSN National Data Archive application (NADA) with the following objectives (1) to expose participants to the latest version of the application, (2) to upgrade existing NADA and implement relevant quality enhancements to their systems and (3) to discuss strategic and technical issues relating to their microdata dissemination and data users servicing....
The Instituto Nacional Estatistica (INE) Uruguay keeps adding new services to its microdata users to its NADA on-line survey catalog.
These new functionalities include: