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The INS in Cameroon held a consultative workshop which reviewed a microdata dissemination policy in Yaoundé, Cameroon. The dates of the workshop were from Oct. 8-10, 2014. A general dissemination policy already exists and at the request of the INS the ADP provided assistance to discuss microdata access between users and producers. The ANSD (National Statistics Office) from Senegal provided the key facilitator to assist in the process and the views of users and producers were taken into account in the consultation of the policy.
The ADP held a workshop in Paris, France from May 22-23 at the OECD conference center. The workshop was promoted under the Stat-3 series of workshops that will focus on: microdata dissemination policy development; microdata quality; responding to user demand for microdata. These workshops are designed to be short and focused discussions targeting decision makers at the country level....